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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Organization Chart Diagram

Organization chart

Organization chart shows the structure of an organization. Organization chart is usually drawn and read from top to bottom. The top (root) node is the CEO and then first level managements, second level managements and so forth. The lines in organization chart shows the relationships between staff.

Organization chart

Process Map Diagram

Process map diagram

Process map diagram gives an overview that shows the processes needed to approach a business goal. It is rather in a upper level of analyzing and understanding a business process.

Process map diagram

EPC Diagram

EPC diagram

EPC diagram, short for event-driven process chain diagram, is a flowchart based diagram that can be used for resource planning and identifying possible improvements of a business process.

EPC diagram

Data Flow Diagram

Data flow diagram

Data flow diagram is a well known approach to visualize the data processing in business analysis field. A data flow diagram is strong in illustrating the relationship of processes, data stores and external entities in business information system.

Data flow diagram

Conversation Diagram

Conversation diagram

Conversation diagrams visualize messages exchange between pools. Design workflow with business process diagram and visualize communications with BPMN conversation diagrams.

Conversation diagram

Business Process Diagram

Business process diagram

Visualize inner and inter organizations operations with Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) 2.0. BP-VA fully supports BPMN 2.0 notations and comes with a bunch of diagramming toolset like voice documentation, sweeper and magnet.

Business process diagram

Monday, September 12, 2011

UML Modeling

Class diagram

Class Diagram provides an overview of the target system by describing the objects and classes inside the system and the relationships between them. It provides a wide variety of usages; from modeling the domain-specific data structure to detailed design of the target system. With the share model facilities, you can reuse your class model in the interaction diagram for modeling the detailed design of the dynamic behavior. The Form Diagram allows you to generate diagram automatically with user-defined scope.

Class diagram

Use case diagram

Creating Use Case Diagram for describing the behavior of the target system from an external point of view. Besides drawing the diagram, VP-UML allows you to detail document the requirements through the Use Case Description. All these information can be output into HTML//PDF//MS Word formats.

Use case diagram

Sequence diagram

The Sequence Diagram models the collaboration of objects based on a time sequence. It shows how the objects interact with others in a particular scenario of a use case. With the advanced visual modeling capability, you can create complex sequence diagram in few clicks. Besides, VP-UML can generate sequence diagram from the flow of events which you have defined in the use case description.

Sequence diagram

Activity diagram

The Activity Diagram can help to describe the flow of control of the target system, such as the exploring complex business rules and operations, describing the use case also the business process.

Activity diagram

Component diagram

The Component Diagram helps to model the physical aspect of an Object-Oriented software system. It illustrates the architectures of the software components and the dependencies between them. Those software components including run-time components, executable components also the source code components.

Component diagram

Deployment diagram

The Deployment Diagram also helps to model the physical aspect of an Object-Oriented software system. It models the run-time configuration in a static view and visualizes the distribution of components in an application. In most cases, it involves modeling the hardware configurations together with the software components that lived on.

Deployment diagram

State machine diagram

The behavior of an entity is not only a direct consequence of its input, but it also depends on its preceding state. The history of an entity can best be modeled by a finite state diagram. State Machine diagram can show the different states of an entity also how an entity responds to various events by changing from one state to another.

State machine diagram

Object diagram

Object diagram shows a snapshot of instances of things in class diagrams. Similar to class diagrams, object diagrams show the static design of system but from the real or prototypical perspective.

Object diagram

Visual Modeling

Resource-Centric Interface

Creating the relative diagram elements by simply dragging the mouse from a resource icon

Creating use case with resource

Creating the relative diagram elements by simply dragging the mouse from a resource icon.

Using branch resource

Creating a number of shapes instantly. You can make use of branch resource to create several actions at the same time.

Split resource

Split a sequence flow in business process diagram and create a flow node.

Mouse Gestures

Mouse gestures provides a more natural behavior in creating diagrams than sliding the mouse around to look for the buttons or toolbars.

Creating shapes with mouse gesture

Press on the right button of your mouse and sketch a specific path to form a gesture for creating shape. Shape can then be created in specific size, following the size of sketched path.

Layout diagram

Layout a messy diagram by forming an "L" gesture.

Synchronization between sequence and communication diagram

You can generate/synchronize a communication diagram from a sequence diagram (or the other way) by making use of a simlpe horizontal gesture.

Synchronization between ERD and class diagram

You can produce a class model from data model by synchronizing class diagram from entity relationship diagram, through a simple horizontal gesture..

Inline Editing

Editing the content without opening any dialogues.

Sample 1

Editing the properties of the diagram elements without opening any dialog boxes

Editing with rich text

The RTF editor enables you to format your text during inline editing.

Rich Text Documentation

Documenting and annotating your UML diagrams better with rich text documentation.

Rich Text Documentation Sample

Documenting and annotating your UML diagrams better with rich text documentation.

Documentation Dialog

Editing the documentation through the specification dialog box.

Diagram Layout

Your diagram will be laid out base on its characteristic. Different types of diagram will have its own layout heuristics. Furthermore, even the same type of diagram with different amount of models will have different layout effect when applying automatic diagram layout.

Automatic Diagram Layout Sample

Complicated class or collaboration diagrams can be rearranged by applying Automatic diagram Layout. VP-UML will re-design the layout for your diagrams. For class diagrams, VP-UML will analyse your class relations and show the class hierarchy in a new layout.

Multiple Connector Styles

Connectors are the lines that connect two shapes. When more shapes are created and more connectors appear, you may find that it is annoying to handle the spaghetti like connectors. To overcome this problem, VP-UML supports three Connector styles: Rectilinear Connector, Oblique Connector and Curve Connector.

Rectilinear Connector Style

Rectilinear Connector Style has the path remain along the vertical and horizontal axes.

Oblique Connector Style

Oblique Connector Style will create a turniung point at any location.

Curve Connector Style

Curve style shows connector as curve.

Round Oblique Connector Style

Similar to oblique connector style but with the turning point show as arc.

Round Rectilinear Connector Style

Similar to rectilinear connector style but with the turning point show as arc.